EMUAID for acne?? Anyone tried it

Hey, has anyone tired emuaid overnight acne treatment for there acne. (It's the bottle with pink stuff at the bottom and like alcohol at the top, ur supposed to keep separate) I wanted to do more research cause it's sorta on the expensive side 30 dollars. I've tried literally everything (all drug stores, organic, accutane, dermatologist, etc) now trying birth control. I have been dealing with some bad breakouts recently. Since going on birth control and my cystic acne has been very persistent on coming back. I don't wanna use many skin care products as Ik that can be even worse on the skin. I only use lush products rn nothing else. But I wanted one mostly organic spot treatment to use to help with the cystic acne manly. So has Anyone tried this before ? Did it work for u or not ? Anyone have an other suggestions about acne? And helpful tips for cystic acne and acne in general? This would be so helpful and appreciated, my face has been a mess lately; I've been down about it.