Oh the drama...

This is a bit of venting plus asking opinions on if I should get involved.

Back story: Was with ex for 11 years and married 3. Currently separated since September. I can file for divorce end of September. Ex left for another women.

I received a message from the ex's gf tonight. Saying she should have listened to me. I had warned her about his abuse and drama when he left. I used to hate her but last few months I have felt relieved that I was out of the relationship and felt a bit sorry for her that she would be dealing with him now.

I rang her when she sent me the message and asked if she was ok. Apparently he has been violent, stolen off her and is cheating on her. Apparently gets drunk and says he wants me back to her. Now I can't help but feel for her because I was once the victim of this same man and it sounds like he is escalating.

Do I offer her help? Somewhere to stay if needed? Or should I not get involved? I'm conflicted. I am also worried that when it comes time to finalise the divorce, he will make it difficult.