POAS Addict post-miscarriage


Ladies - am I alone here? After a blighted ovum that took six weeks (!!) to diagnose, i got my period exactly 29 days after my D&C.; I'm in the dreaded TWW in my second cycle, but O'd over a week late (based on my OPK). Now on CD 33 and I've never gone a day over 29, but with a late O, I'm looking at a 37 day cycle. Ive been POAS since CD 24 --- just in case I tracked that O wrong 🙈🙈🙈 this morning i got what was either a v v v faint positive... Or an evap line. I wish I could hold out a few more days so I'm not torturing myself! Am I the only going crazy during these wonky post-miscarriage cycles???