Daddy daughter probs..advice please

I am going to try to make this as to the point and short as I can. Background info: parents divorced when I was 4. There was a lot of shit talking and emotional damage done to me throughout the process. My dad was almost non-existent outside of visitation. 
Now: My step mom has driven a wedge between us. He acts completely different with me than when he's with her. I went to Az with my then fiancé for his fathers funeral. I am 20. My dad wasn't thrilled about me going and my step mom blew up the entire thing. By the end, before I even got home my step mom told my fiancé that he needed to find me another place to live. Didn't hear a word from my dad, it was all from her. So we moved into a house together the day we got back. They used to love my SO but now he's the worst thing ever to them. They didn't get out of their car before my wedding ceremony and were in there car before I even got to the pavilion after the ceremony. (Small beach wedding) now my step mom and step sister say it's up to me mend my relationship with my dad but I feel differently. I want him to show initiative and act like he wants me and his grandchild in his life. Am I wrong for feeling that way and not reaching out like I've always had to do? Not sure what to do. Keeps me up at night just thinking about it. Plus it's hard to talk to him because my stepmom is just so damn nosey and barely ever lets the man speak for himself! Sorry for the length...I need unbiased opinions.