random bleeding - help!!

Hey girls
I wanted your advice on something please...
Myself and my partner are TTC, it would make him so happy if I was to be pregnant so we have been at it. 
The last time was last Wednesday, so 8 days ago and according to my <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android">ovulation calculator</a> that was my most fertile day! 
I've had the odd cramp over the past few days but I do suffer from an anxiety disorder which is why I sometimes get cramps. 
My period isn't due for another 5 days but this morning I started bleeding... I've googled implantation bleeding but I'm reading conflicting articles!
Today it has been quite light, pale in colour and I've had the odd ache and pain plus I've been super tired and sleeping in until lunchtime! 
Can ANYONE help me identify if this is impantation bleeding or is this AF come early?!
We have been trying since last October and I am getting so disheartened and so deflated by not getting pregnant so I'm reading up on everything and one minute I'm convinced I am expecting and then the next minute I'm thinking I'm never going to have a baby!
Any advice from you lovely ladies would be much appreciated!
Love from a stressed and slightly hormonal gal ❤️