Is this normal?

Kelbie • -Loving my life as a farmers wife!-Remington's mommy!6/27/17

Hey ladies, I need some input. I had my daughter two weeks ago and up until now I've felt great. I should start out by saying I'm happily married and my husband is a great dad. He does so much for us girls. He works a lot of hard hours so I'm home alone with our daughter all day every day. It's such a blessing to be able to stay home with her. Lately I have found myself just crying because of things that normally wouldn't bother me. My husband comes home from work and he leaves to go hangout with his buddies. Whenever he isn't working he goes to his friends. I understand that he needs guy time but I just would like a minute with him or I would love it if he could watch our daughter while I did something. It sounds silly but I just find myself in tears all day because I feel so alone sometimes. Am I going crazy?