I can see my relationship heading to an end.


I feel like no matter how much effort I put into it, my relationship is either going to go through the roughest patch ever or going to end. I love him so much that it hurts but the relationship just changed from one day to the other and suddenly we are not like we used to. We used to be the dream team, people would get happy just seeing us together because we were so madly in love with each other, and now even though people still think the same it doesn't feel that way. I will try to do everything I can to get us through this, but I feel that I won't be able to restore it to what it once was. We used to not be able to stop smiling hugging or even having an arm around the other, holding hands, etc when we were together. We'd tease each other and laugh and be inseparable. Now even though the physical closeness is there it feels weird somehow. I feel like even though we fix our issues we will continue to be jaded from the problems we are having now. It sucks ass but there it is. I'm not sure if I should give up or continue to fight for us.