Tell me what to do!


So on cycle day 32, which was July 5th, I got my peak for ovulation. Me and the hubs baby danced. Then 2 days later I started what may have been either a super short period or just spotting.. It started out like a light period then went to a rust color then brown and was gone in a day and a half. For the purpose of this app, I put it down as a period. I'm still taking ovulation tests and yesterday I got a blinking smiley face on the clear blue advanced (which is not ovulation but close).

Anyway I'm asking you ladies what I should do here? Should I do a pregnancy test? It's been roughly 11-12 dpo. I've been on and off like emotional over some silly things and dreamt the past 2 days in a row about getting positives, but other then that no real symptoms of anything. I should probably throw in that I stopped my bc a little over 3 months ago (after being on it for 11 years).

I'm just afraid to test because I just really hate to get let down. I want to have a baby so badly. Please give me some advice! Thanks!