This is why I shave.

About a month ago I was in agony itching my lady space, thinking I had a yeast infection or something (no STDs here, 7-year boyfriend). I get them 1-2 times a year, so I'm pretty familiar with them.

Long story short, took the egg, still dying in scratch-agony, lightbulb went off (on?):

I haven't shaved (clipped I guess is the appropriate word) in a few weeks.

So this got me thinking... I've been clipping (with those electric razors) for probably 5-6 years. I do it pretty habitually before it gets past about 1/8 inch or so (guessing), but between moving and graduating, I think it had slipped my mind last month.

So, shaved, all of my itching subsided. I'm thinking I found this key. Well I just went on a two-week vacation and forgot my clippers (of course) and my hair is reaching that point again where I keep needing to walk to the bathroom and relieve a lady scratch.

This is all to ask, do y'all think this is realistic? I feel like my pubes make my labia itch when they get too long because my lady skin's kind of adjusted to having short pubes.

Alright, have at it (and please be kind).