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Go to an ultrasound place that does gender specific scans? I'm debating on starting my own business and I'm just wondering how many would do this if you had one close to you.

168 views • 14 upvotes • 7 comments



Posted at
not me. my OBGYN does all the scans and is covered by insurance. I won't spend money on extra ultrasounds.


Posted at
Definitely, and I have heard recently of a lot more people doing this. Not to mention people pay hundreds for a few minutes of a 3d or 4d ultrasound... And you could sell all kinds of personalize accessories with the pics like frames or shirts announcements etc


Dare • Jul 17, 2017
yes!! That was my thought as well!!


Posted at
I did!! It was amazing got his heartbeat in a turtle(it had a camo shell, and my husband passed away shortly before I had the original gender scan, and the camo, confederate flag was out wedding thing and his urn is also camo, and then I went and did a 3D/4D scan, for it. And the camo turtle was what my daughter picked for her daddy!!! But I did the scan And took his parents, it was amazing


Posted at
I went to one. It wasn't that expensive and their equipment is SO much better and clearer than the one at the doctors. Plus insurance only pays for 2 and I would have had to wait until about 20 weeks to get a gender scan. Instead I paid like $65 to get it done at 14 weeks. I'm impatient so it was a good deal for me.


Posted at
I went to one! I have one close to me and tons of people go


Dare • Jul 17, 2017
I did too last weekend and it's just really got me thinking....she said she had people from other states coming to her and we have nothing like that where I am.