Exclusively pumping


Hey moms! I had my baby on the 13th with the strict intention on breastfeeding. While in the hospital, the day after my LO was born my nipples hurt so bad they had bled and had scars on them to the point I was wincing in pain. I did have lactation consultants come in and help but found them very intimidating -gave me a nipple shield and basically said best of luck( I'm a ftm btw!) and rude because I didn't know what I was doing incorrectly. On the day of being discharged a pediatric Lpn came In to check baby to okay we could go home, and asked how feeding was going, she looked at my nipples and told me she's surprised I didn't try giving up right away. Fast forward to being home baby doesn't want to latch, so I've been pumping and feeding him from a bottle which he has no issues with. Anyone have any tips on exclusively pumping? My milk is still coming in I'm getting about 2.5- 3 ounces a session right now

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Posted at
There is nothin wrong with pumping and going this route, but I would suggest you try meeting with another lactation consultant and working on your latch. I find breastfeeding so much easier than pumping! I'm sorry the lactation consultants at the hospital weren't helpful. They all aren't like that though!


Posted at
I have a very hard time breastfeeding in the beginning but I am now at 2 months. I don't have much advice but to keep trying and don't give up!! You've got this momma


Dana • Jul 18, 2017
I know! It's tough for a while


Ashley • Jul 18, 2017
Aww thank you so much! It was discouraging at first!


Posted at
I don't exclusively pump but got some tips from my cousin who does. Pump every 3 hours all day for 15 to 30 mins. You may be able to just pump when baby feeds during the night at some point if you feel you have enough for baby.


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I have exclusively pumped since day 1, my LO had feeding issues and couldn't latch. I pump every 3-5 hours depending on the day. Freeze what I can and have tons of bottles and 2 sets of pumping parts so I'm not washing all day. Invest in pumping bra. I have a little pumping station of supplies. Any specific questions ask. I'm 7 months in and have just started to supplement bc my supply dipped.


M 👱🏼‍♀️ • Jul 28, 2017
Get extra pump bottles and supplies. Invest in a charger for your car to pump on the go or an additional pump if ur working and pump. Less to travel with. Make sure you stick to a good schedule and stay hydrated.


Ashley • Jul 28, 2017
Idk how old this post is but any tips or advice you have would be GREATLY appreciated! I'm exclusively breastfeeding but not due until December. I'm trying to get educated as much as possible.


Posted at
I saw a Lactation consultant a couple times after I left the hospital because of how difficult breastfeeding was. We had to supplement with formula at the hospital because my baby was preterm. After I left I thought we would ebf and it was a nightmare. I ended up paying for a couple of sessions and found our baby had a tongue tie that made latching more difficult. After we got that taken care of I continued to work with him to get it to work. We are finally becoming successful at breastfeeding! I still pump and try to breastfeed him but it's taken us a few weeks to get where we are. Don't get discouraged. Personally I think seeking out professional help was the best thing I did. My pediatrician had some great referrals. I also don't think people talk about how challenging breastfeeding really is. Both you and baby are learning.