Exclusively pumping


Hey moms! I had my baby on the 13th with the strict intention on breastfeeding. While in the hospital, the day after my LO was born my nipples hurt so bad they had bled and had scars on them to the point I was wincing in pain. I did have lactation consultants come in and help but found them very intimidating -gave me a nipple shield and basically said best of luck( I'm a ftm btw!) and rude because I didn't know what I was doing incorrectly. On the day of being discharged a pediatric Lpn came In to check baby to okay we could go home, and asked how feeding was going, she looked at my nipples and told me she's surprised I didn't try giving up right away. Fast forward to being home baby doesn't want to latch, so I've been pumping and feeding him from a bottle which he has no issues with. Anyone have any tips on exclusively pumping? My milk is still coming in I'm getting about 2.5- 3 ounces a session right now