26 years old ... low AMH: heartbroken.. please help


So I'm hoping someone can over some insight or positive news. I literally just turned 26 yesterday. Just got off BC in April and we have been TTC since then. It hasn't happened yet so my doctor said we could do some blood tests on CD 3 and CD 21. She called me today with the results from cycle day 3. She said my FSH, and estradiol were normal but my AMH was "very low". I was too shocked to ask how low is very low? She said she was shocked and wouldn't expect to see this is a young healthy female with normal menstrual cycles and that she was going to refer me to a fertility specialist. I don't know what to think. I'm heartbroken because everything I've read online so far seems awful. Does anyone have any info on this? And I'm I seriously going to have to deal with that fact that at 26 <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> might be my only option? That's what it's making it seems like online and I'm freaking out.