do i have anxiety


honestly I think I suffer from anxiety I'm 17 my mom thinks other wise she says it's all in my head and that it's only because my fiancè isn't here. I've been feeling like this since I turned 16 way before I even knew my fiancè. literally I over think so much it's like my brain can't relax I'll tell my mom what's bothering me and my fiancè and they both say dont worry about it but it's not that simple I worry about it so much i think of all the things that could go wrong and if they do go wrong what am I gonna do. I fear that what's if it doesn't go the way I want it, like here's and example. My fiancè has this Bestfriend and me and his girlfriend got really close well when my fiancè left to go work (he works in the oil fields) This girl stared acting different towards me like it wasn't a big deal til, I made a little remark to my fiancè on what I want for my birthday and she said "the man ain't a dam atm" and boom I was like she doesn't like me now what if things are different are we still gonna hang out anymore are we done with the double dates like is it gonna he awkward if we all hang out is she gonna start something like I just dont know to other people it may not seem that big of a deal but in my head it's a big deal. but that was just an example. I dont know what I could do to stop me from feeling like this, I stay up all night I barley get any sleep maybe 4 to 5 hours of sleep a day I'm constantly worrying and feeling sad of things that shouldn't even matter. can anyone give me some advice or tell me what I can do to control this or if this is even anxiety or if im just going bat shit crazy.