UPDATED ** Have insurance but this baby still costing a lot

So I have health insurance thru my job. Supposedly it's pretty good insurance... So far I've only had 2 Dr appts ( I'm almost 12 wks). This week I've received 2 bills for a total of about $600. I'm just wondering how I'm supposed to afford this whole pregnancy if I'm being hit with $600 bills every few weeks.

Is there something I'm missing? What is your insurance like?


Thanks for all your help ladies. I did get a chance to call my insurance company to discuss my plan/benefits. I apparently have a $500 deductible which for just those 2 bills alone I have met. So now my insurance will kick in to cover 90% and I'll be left with the other 10% of whatever I may be charged. Not too bad I guess. My only problem I feel like at this point is I'm not due until February, insurance policies reset in January. So I'll end up paying another deductible before baby is due on top of whatever they don't cover for labor/delivery....