Baby Bashing his Head?


Is this okay? Is it happening to other babies? My poor boy hits his head pretty much every day. Sometimes several times a day. Sometimes he cries, sometimes he doesn't even seem to notice, it depends on who's in the room and what their reaction is.

He can sit unassisted but when he gets really excited he swings backwards. I keep pillows behind him but he always manages to miss them. He also tries to get down on his belly or reach things and face plants 🤦🏻‍♀️ sometimes I hear a thud just from him rolling onto his back! Is this okay!? I feel so bad! I don't want to be a hovering mommy, but our rug is pretty thin, and we have laminate flooring. I don't want him to kill all his little baby brain cells, but I know he needs to learn how to do everything himself! I can't keep the whole house pillow padded forever!