How to know if I have a yeast infection or not

Okay so my vagina has always been a little on the smelly side. Tbh I just kind of thought vaginas smelled bad. It might be sweat smell also? It does get itchy. I wear tight clothing. It doesn't ever burn. I get discharge but I'm not sure if it's normal or not. This is embarrassing but I don't always have the best hygiene. I have a lot of mental health issues so idk I fail in that area at times. I did one of those at home bacterial infection tests and it came out negative but I know yeast infection isn't ruled out. I'm aware of monistat treatments but there's so many so I don't know which one to buy. Also I'm not ever sure if I have a yeast infection so will it hurt to use the treatments if I don't have one? I feel like it's been this way forever so I can't even tell if it's abnormal or not. I went to the gyno for the first time and told them about this but they kind of ignored it and didn't even check me. I would go back but I'm in between insurances atm so it will be a few weeks before I get the chance to.