Am I wrong ?

So I'm babysitting and my husband is upstairs and I'm down stairs I have an infant asleep on the sofa so I don't want to go up and talk to him. I call him and told him I miss him and to see if he would come down he said of course sweetie I'll be right there let me get dressed so it's been 30 minutes and I text him "babe?" He says nothing so I call him and he forwards me to voicemail so the baby is sound asleep so I decided to sneak upstairs to see what's he doing I open the door and he's watching videos of the people playing games I'm 16 weeks and 2 days and it kind of crushed me I don't know why but it did. He had an hour before he went to work and I just wanted to see him and I guess it hurt because it seems that's what he'd rather do am I wrong for being upset? I also checked him phone to see if he actually got my call because sometimes they just don't go through but he did and he just ended it.

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