Is it just me?


I feel everything! Since I was days pregnant I knew! I cramped and it was actually pretty painful but my doctor said it was normal and it was called implantation.... I normally do not cramp, even on my period. So I was like... this must be what that feels like. I'm only 10 weeks pregnant and I have hip and back pain! Like I know that's normal but In the second towards the third trimester!! I feel so extra! I'm so bloated and I look like if I'm 5 months pregnant! Every once in a while i get this sharp pain/ tingle in my vagina. It's strange! I have my first appointment tomorrow and I am so anxious and nervous.

Earlier this year I had a miscarriage so I'm soooo scared and just hoping everything is okay. With my last pregnancy I kind of knew I would have a miscarriage. I would get these allergic reaction and I felt like my body was fighting to kick the baby out. This pregnancy feels so different and although I'm nervous I do think I will be having this baby.

I'm just wondering If anyone else felt like this so early on?