After a few months of trying..finally a BFP

Donna • 27 year old single mama to the sweetest 2 year old princess! Philadelphia nurse to be💜

i didnt think having a baby would ever happen for me.i had a stillbirth at 5 1/2 months in 2012. i had an ectopic in november 2016. me and my guy have been trying and honestly i thought i was kidding myself this month like i was every other month.i took a test 3 days before my missed af(12dpo) and it was neg😞so i been scared to take another.but my boobs have been getting worse with tenderness.i started crying today over a song in the car(and im not an emotional person lol) and i am just so tired. so i decided ya know what..the hell with it. so i went and pivked up a store brand.just one test. i cant believe my eyes!!!! ladies please dont give up. i know many of you have been struggling for years. when i seen that BFP i got down on my knees and thanked jesus and prayed for all those struggling.that he blesses you with a fertile womb and a healthy baby. thanks for all the support i recieve from this app. i didnt get the bfp until after my missed period so its not over till the red lady shows! (trying to post my bfp but wont let me post the pic dammit!)