
This kid of sounds ridiculous, oh well? 🤷🏻‍♀️

My not quite 2.5 year old was told she was "advanced" by her (amazing) pediatrician at her last appointment. I sort of shrugged it off and assumed "yeah she talks a lot" and figured that's doctor speak.

She's now counting to 20, knows her alphabet by sight, recites frequently read books, knows her colors, understands 1 and 1 make 2, remembers extreme detail in everything we do, in addition to having spoke in sentences for a while. Basically she's freaking me out.

I had this talk with the doc after saying, "she's really becoming difficult lately etc." That's why I figured when she said "advanced toddlers tend to have big emotions and perceive more, need more etc" I just thought that was doctor speak for "yeah, she seems exhausting". 😂

Soooo, after that novel my point is: IS this advanced? Do I need to alter her stimuli, teach more, do more? Is she a jerk lately because she's bored?

Again, not bragging, new at this, and would like smoother days, ha.

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Posted at
There is actually some research out there about gifted children. I highly suggest looking into it and going off of there recommendations. There's nothing wrong with enhancing stimuli to continue to help your kid grow.


Posted at
It's possible. I'm an elementary reading teacher and my niece is that way, she's 4 now and reads better then some of my K and 1st grade students! I was so shocked but it's real! She can even write her name and phonetically spell. If your daughter likes learning and enjoys it then there is no harm in holding her back, maybe try working on letter sounds, recognizing her name, and fun open-ended creative activities that continue to build her vocabulary and curiosity. Pinterest has a lot of ideas!


Posted at
I mean, maybe! Or you're just doing a great job teaching her things. Look up Life with Beans on YouTube and her three oldest are like that. Try getting her stimulating toys like puzzles, Diplo (like giant Legos), and other things. It may help with her grumpiness.


N • Jul 18, 2017
I recommend that channel specifically for your situation because they have great ideas for keeping their kids satisfied mentally and they all have great behavior.