pre term labor scare


Had my first preterm labor scare today. Woke up to vaginal bleeding. The two days before my husband and I had sex, and I was thinking that's what it was. Called the OB, she confirmed, but told me to call if it didn't go away within a few hours. It did lighten up, but then came the vaginal discharge. It felt like I was on my period, couldn't control it leaking out of me. Even put on a pad. Well, called back and they had me come in. I had a cervical exam and the doc looked at the mucus under a microscope to make sure it wasn't amniotic fluid. It wasn't. He did an ultrasound and made sure babies had fluid. They did. Than he checked to see if I was at all dilated. I wasn't. Just lots of mucus coming from my cervix. He didn't like it, but assured me I'm OK for now. Didn't put me on bedrest, but told me to live a boring life and not do anything I don't have to. Feeling relieved but still a bit nervous for what's to come.