My SO just up and disappeared 😢

Tynisha • Mother to Skye

Yesterday my boyfriend and his sister/brother got into a heated argument.His whole family took his sister side knowing she was in the wrong. He fell ill at work and asked if I could drop him off by his mother to address the issues. He called me around 12 & that was the last time we spoke. I could here the pain in his voice, something was seriously wrong but refused to tell me.

I call both his cell phones and they're turned off. Deleted his mom's number because she turned me down a place to stay when I felt my life was in danger. They apartment is empty, no one is home. This isn't like him. No good morning beautiful text or phone call nothing.

We was such in a happy mood that evening, something happened.

I'm so stressed with this and worrying about trying to conceive. Just need to know if he's okay.

Praying that his bipolar didn't cause him to snap.