Is it okay to feel this way!?

Long story short!

So I got pregnant by my boyfriend he told me if I was in fact pregnant we would not get married. Baby is born he hands me a ring booklet. A few months later I decide on a ring he tells me never mind. And he keeps teasing me about it. I get pissed off because marriage was important to me. We go back and forth he keeps giving me hope and then takes it away. He is the one to always bring it up. So fast forward to today. (I told him a few months ago I wouldn't marry him and I am sick of the subject being brought up)

We are discussing insurance *

Him: we need to get married so you can get on my insurance

Me: you refused that idea when I was pregnant. You made me get on Medicaid so no we will not get married so I can get on your insurance now.

Him: here we go again.

Me: no I just don't understand why you keep bringing it up. Who wants to be proposed to only because they have crappy insurance?

Him: I don't understand why you act this way.

Me: because you ruined the entire idea of a wedding and marriage for me. How you've acted the pst two years about it has just ruined it for me. I don't understand why you cannot get that and leave me alone about it. I would be different if you actually meant we would get married but you don't so honestly I don't want to deal with it. We are practically married anyways so it doesn't even matter.

Him: then why are we even together?

Me: because we love each other.

Him: this is just pissing me off

Me: okay.

Do I have a right to feel this way? He made me feel like crap for wanting to get married a few months ago. He told me I could start planning the wedding and a few days later my favorite song came on and I asked what he thought about it and his response was "I have no idea why you are planning this crap. It's not like we are getting married tomorrow" I was extremely hurt. I made it clear I did not want marriage discussed again. And then this morning he says we need to get married just so I have insurance. That's insulting! Am I being dramatic and petty or do I have a reason to be upset and hurt towards this subject?

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