British MIL doesn't have shots. Should she be in delivery room with hubby and I?

Lila • 🕉Writer, biker, researcher and world traveler! 💻🏍📑🗺 Twin boys due soon! 👶👶

Anti-Vaxxers I'm good thanks! All up to date on my emails 😊 Anyway, I thought about the 18 day old baby who passed away yesterday from Meningitis after a family member kissed her, and realized my MIL isn't up to date on her shots and is from a different country with a different set of critters kicking around in her body on top of that. My husband is British too, but he's up to date with his shots. She's a licensed Medicinal Herbalist so I was thinking of having her in the delivery room with me. But, they also have two house cats they used to feed on top of the counter in the kitchen (after they used the litter box!!!) so the dog wouldn't eat their food. They didn't stop preparing meals there while this was going on 😵 Although we shut that shit down a few months ago, they also feed four strays that don't have shots, that they let into the house from time to time. She (MIL) doesn't have shots (been here 20 years, so long after immigration reqs), and when I mentioned I was getting the boys vaccinated she tried to give me a 15 year old pamphlet about the dangers of vaccination written by some random ass dude. Sorry for the length but there was a lot of backstory.

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