baby tomorrow


so FTM, due date Dr appointment today, baby is not engaged, still really high and floating around, barely dialated to 1, Dr says she isn't sure baby will even be able to drop down because I am so small and baby is normal size. She is going to be gone after tomorrow till the 31sr, so we had the option of scheduling a c section for tomorrow, waiting till next week to see if anything changes and going into delivery or c section with a different Dr, waiting till she got back or going till August 2 and seeing what happens... after getting another bio ultrasound and the tech saying baby was great and also commenting she was still high up there we made the decision to go ahead tomorrow with the c section... my birth plan was to try all natural and that was just flipped to polar opposite. I have never been on the hospital for anything before, so anxiety is pretty high. we just figured to so it now while baby is doing great and I am still doing good as opposed to risking something having to be done while our Dr is gone and going through this with someone different... I guess tomorrow we get to meet our baby girl