I'm so terrified. 😰


Yo, so I've been reading people's birth stories & whatnot... I'M SO SCARED.

You know, I'm so happy that I'm gonna have a son. I'm so excited for that. I'm a little scared, being a first time mom & all, but I know we got this. But I'm so scared to give birth! I'm definitely getting the epidural. But you know, I can't have that until I get to the hospital. I have a pretty high tolerance for pain, but I don't think I'm gonna be able to handle this. Do contractions feel like period cramps, just like, a million times worse? Or does it feel like someone stabbing you? Do catheters hurt? Am I definitely going to tear? Am I gonna shit myself when I'm trying to push my baby out? Omg, I'm just so scared. I'm 29 weeks today, so I only have 11 more weeks to prepare for this. Can I just skip til I'm recovered from it all? I've heard recovery is worse. Ugh! 😰😩