Kellie • 23 years young! Married to the most amazing man in the world! And momma to a handsome little boy

So this is my first time posting on here. I'm usually just tracking my own stuff and reading all the interesting stories. So anyways about me---My husband and I have been TTC for over two years, and to be honest at first I never paid attention to all the fertility stuff (my cycle- how long, ovulation days, or anything) I honestly thought getting pregnant would just happen. Unfortunately I have gotten frustrated with trying and nothing happening, so I started using Glow and researching stuff. It is still a learning process and it is surely a frustrating process. So anyways now instead of the back story this is what's going on--- My husband and I had sex multiple times throughout the time I was ovulating, and AF was suppose to arrive 7/9, so I am now 11 days late. I have taken 3 test which have all been negative! I had headaches for about five days straight on and off, but have now subsided. I feel like I'm urinating more, but then again maybe I'm just staying better hydrated. I've had a few feelings of nausea, but that quickly subsides too. I really don't know what's going on with myself, and maybe stressing over it just isn't helping. Like I said I'm fairly new to this world, and help or advice would be greatly appreciated no matter what it may be.