Colic in babies



Hi There

My baby has colic and struggles every night to pass stool. We tried everything we knew:

Feeding uprise and burb him

Infacol and grape water

But nothing above seemed to work

Do you have any tips or advice ?

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After feedings, I keep him elevated for about 15 mins. Then afterwards lay him on his belly elevated on the boppy. He'd wake up chocking that's why I would lay him on his belly. Or even his side if that's too sketchy for you. I honestly think the gripe water makes it worse for him, after I stop using it he wasn't all colicky as much. Oh we also try to get two burps in. One in the middle of feeding and one afterwards. Hope one of these work for you !


Hamsa • Jul 20, 2017
Thank you very much. I'm going to try it out tonight. It seems the colic is mainly at night time.


vanessa • Jul 20, 2017
i agree on it, and if u thinks that still cant work you can ask your pediatritian about simeticone and probiotics ... they gave me some at the 15 days app and has helped a lot w it


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we just started using Gerber Soothe Drops and ever since my girl has been clearing herself out 2x a day! we also switched from powdered formula to ready feed formula... but pricy but she's worth it. the doctor recommended the drops and I'm glad