Am I overreacting? Boyfriend and his ex hung out

My boyfriend went back to visit his hometown for 2 weeks to hang out with his buddies. Obviously I know he won't really be texting me much because he's out with friends, but we still give each other a little update on what we did for the day before we go to sleep. Usually he still texts me every 15 minutes or so though. But today, he told me he was busy and didn't text back for a couple of hours. When i asked him what he did, he told me he was hanging out with his ex girlfriend and her parents. Umm what? This isn't just any girlfriend, but his girlfriend he dated for a year before moving to where i live. Her parents told him he looks even more handsome and that they miss him a lot. He even took a cute picture with her and he's gonna post it on instagram.. i'm kinda acting salty towards him and he doesn't really understand why. I guess i'm just being insecure but can you really blame me? am I really overreacting? 

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