Pregnant again??? Or just residual HCG????


Okay so here is my lengthy story:

-I had my first miscarriage in January 2017 with what was most likely a chemical pregnancy.

-discovered we were pregnant again in May 2017

-At about 5 1/2 to 6 weeks I spotted and lost all pregnancy symptoms and got scared so I went in for a viability ultrasound and dr said she seen a heart beat and baby was fine fetal pole measured 5 weeks 6 days

-went back for 2nd ultrasound 2 weeks later and gestational sac was empty and sac measured only 7 weeks at this point I was diagnosed with a blighted ovum...

I took a week to absorb and accept what had happened then took cytotec the next week on June 30th... I had an appt with a fertility specialist on 7/6 at which he confirmed with an ultrasound I had passed the entire gestational sac and after evaluating my ovaries stated I would be ovulating with in the week... over the next week me and my husband did the deed twice... the past 3 days I have felt off, periodic nausea, dizzy, headaches, intense cravings and food aversions... so I let my mind wander and took 2 pregnancy test this morning and they were both positive...

- I called my dr and spoke to the nurse she seemed annoyed that I even took a pregnancy test, said more than likely it is residual hcg from the miscarriage but dr is out of town until next week and I should just wait to hear back from dr next week to find out if he wants another hcg test....

Am I crazy to think I might be pregnant already??????