Frustrated with my doctors!!


Friday at 8+6 I had a gush of red bold and tissue . I was certain I was having a miscarriage, called the on call doc and he said since there was nothing they could do that I could come in on Monday. My husband was pissed and confused as to why any doctor would suggest waiting a whole weekend unsure of what's going on. Went to ER, they found baby and baby was perfect, heartbeat was 163. I was discharged with a Subchorionic Hemorrhage diagnosis, put on modified bedrest and pelvic rest and no heavy lifting.

After a long weekend, Monday finally came and I called my doctors office because I was told to follow up with my doctor on Monday as they would probably want to monitor me. This is where it gets really infuriating. Took the nurse 3 hours to call me back, she told me I was fine and this is normal to see in the beginning. She told me these things before even sending the charts to my doctor. I told her I wished to speak with my doctor as I had questions. 2 hours later the nurse calls me back again reviewing what the doctor told her. Told me I was fine that the hemorrhage is "relatively small" and if I had more bleeding to call them, if not they would see my at my 12 week appointment.

Had more bleeding last night and some mild period like back cramps. Again I was told it's a normal to bleed until this resolves and the cramps could be due to dehydration or just normal cramps that come with this being my 3rd pregnancy. I know I am not dehydrated because I have been tracking my water intake. Yesterday I went out of the house for the first time since Friday I went to 3 stores and cleaned my bathroom. I guess I must've overdone it.

Is this normal that my doctor's office doesn't seem the least bit concerned? They're not scheduling ultrasounds or monitoring me. I'm literally left with wondering if this is going to be the day that something bad happens. I currently have cramps, back aches and feel like I have to sit on the toilet, all symptoms I get when I have my period.