High LH and I'm supposed to start in the next week.


Lets start with the back story. I started AF then stopped for three days and started again. Then my app said I was supposed ovulate around July 7 or 8th. I took ovulation test both days and got negatives. Then starting a week after I was supposed to ovulate I got "high fertility". So now my app has gone from saying I'm supposed to start on July 24 to now saying I must not be starting until July 28. My boobs have hurt the entire month of July. That is strange because normally my boobs might hurt the day before or of ovulation but then stop and then they do not hurt again until the day before I'm supposed to start. My ovulation test has been high since July 14 and I have yet to peak. I'm supposed to start my period in a week. I should be in my TWW.. Thoughts?