Bottle feed breast milk


I am going back to work in 4 weeks and I've been trying to give my ebf 2 month old breast milk in a bottle over the past month or so. However EVERY time she eats 1-1.5 oz from the bottle and is done eating. It takes her just a couple minutes to eat this much. Then she wants to eat 1.5-2 hours later.

I don't understand how she wouldn't be eating more at each feeding because I pump 4 oz from each side after 3 hours from her last feeding. She normally goes 2.5-4 hours between feedings, and usually eats on both sides for 10 minutes on each side. I know it can flow faster from a bottle, but I know she has to be eating more from my breasts because I feel much less full after she eats and I feel like If she was only taking an ounce at a time, I would feel more full.

Any suggestions on how to get her to take a full feeding from a bottle? More importantly, how much milk to send to daycare? 🤔