baby dropped and lost mucus plug

Shannon • Stay at home mom to a sweet and sassy three year old and her baby sister ❤

Okay, so this is my second baby and yet I still feel so lost lol. This pregnancy has been 100% different from my first. With my first, I was induced at 41 weeks because she just didn't want to come. I only ever lost small parts of my mucus plug weeks apart and the baby didn't even drop until 38 weeks. Well here I am, 35 weeks tomorrow and at my doctor appointment Yesterday, they told me she has already dropped, which seems so early! Also, last night I lost a good size portion of my mucus plug, and then again today lost some more of it. So those things on top of the pressure I have been feeling in my pelvis and cervix has me worried she is going to try and come early. Theb of course Google is telling me I'm about to start labor, so my question is has this happened to anyone else and it NOT been a sign they were going to go into labor soon? I am such a worry wart and could use some reassurance. Thanks!