When in doubt, get checked out


My new motto when it comes to pregnancy. This is my 1st pregnancy and I'm currently 6+5. I just had my confirmation appointment (just a urine pregnancy test) on Monday and wasn't to go back until August 7th for the initial OB appointment and ultrasound. I woke up this morning with some brown spotting. Everything I read on here made it seem normal. Some of the girls at work provided reassurance things should be ok but none of this was enough to ease my mind. So I called my OB and explained what happened. The nurse I spoke to was reassuring and did tell me this can be common in early pregnancy but they wanted to see me as a precaution. So I went in and the provider I saw was new to me but she was amazing. She was reassuring and explained everything in detail. Thankfully everything turned out to be ok and we got an earlier view of our little peanut than expected. And I'm happy that my mind can be at ease (even if maybe just for the time being because my mind is constantly racing). I just wanted to share my experience and just to put that reminder out there to always get checked out if you have any doubt in your mind.