Breast feeding at a church during mass?


When I was a little girl, maybe no older than 10 years old, I used to be good friends with an older women who has a member of my church. Her and her mum were good friends of my mum and I and whenever we saw them at church we'd always go up to them or sit with them.

During the "peace be with you" I remember my mum and I going up to her and her mum and giving them the peace. However, I remember this one time when she had her newly born baby with her.

Now some quick background. My church has a small room to the left side of the alter, it's the "child's room" where parents can accompany their children if they're being to rowdy. It has a thick plastic/glass? window so you can see the alter and the first few pews, It helps keep noise inside the room.

Anyways, I remember her breastfeeding her baby in the middle of mass with a blanket covering herself. I also remember a few people giving her some rather nasty looks. A few people whispering about what she was doing was wrong because there were other children in the room. My mother, having raised 3 kids, told her to ignore them and that God gave her this little blessing of a child and wouldn't care if she was nurturing him in his house, the church!

Would any of you breastfeeding mothers breast feed your child in the middle of mass, with other people around? Why or why not?

**Please no rude comments, I don't want anyone to fight.**

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