Xulane Patch Sunburn Exposure?


Ok so I've been on this birth control patch for 6 months now and I love it. No complaints. I gained like 20 pounds but I'm 5'1 and was like 98 pounds before the patch so I could use the weight. Most people would be upset by that but I was completely happy so moving forward does anyone know if this patch makes you extra sensitive to the sun? I've never been sun burned before. I'm naturally tanned (Caribbean descent) so if and when I do get color I always turn red then it fades into my bronze color. Anywho I went to the beach yesterday and wore my usual sunscreen and got the sunburn from hell. I was out for about 3 hours when my shoulders started burning. I kept asking my mom if someone had put cayenne pepper in the sunblock because the burn wouldn't stop it just increased. Let's keep in mind that my skin is very tolerant to sun exposure as it is in my DNA and also I lived a lifestyle many years ago where I worked outside all day and never got burned (didn't wear sunscreen because I was young and dumb then so keep that in mind too). Yes there's a heatwave in NYC right now and yes the sun is dangerous and can cause cancer. Spare me the educational lectures please. I know all these things but I've been out in heatwaves before and there was times I didn't even tan at all!! The only difference from then till now is me wearing my beloved patch so I'm curious to know if anyone has had this happen to them. Also this patch works wonders on my heavy ass period. It is so light that I almost forget I have it. So keep that kind of you want to try it. Please be as open and honest as possible because if it is the patch then I need to know asap.