2 Days Late.. Pregnant?


I have had sex multiple times over the past month but we always use a condom and check it for breakage afterward. Now I am two days late for my period, which is usually very regular. I have been stressed about being pregnant so that might be putting it off. I have had some stomach/gas cramps over the past couple days and and am now feeling a bit dizzy, which could be from being overworked this week. My mother also complained of stomach cramps this week so maybe we have a bug? I have not felt any period-like cramps, which I usually get pretty badly, which is also scaring me. Maybe my hormones are just changing and I'm getting different PMS symptoms?

I honestly feel like there is no way i'm pregnant because we are so careful every time, but there's still a voice of worry in my head. How long should I wait before taking a pregnancy test? What are your other thoughts and opinions?