In and Out of Hospital ☹️

Yarubi • Raising arrows! 7 arrows!

I am pregnant with Twins Boy/Girl 34 weeks 2 days. I had preterm labor with all of my other 5 kids. Never needed NICU since I always had the steroid shots for their lungs.

Today: I went to my NST test to monitor twins. I was having some of the most painful contractions while I was there. Told the nurse that I had a bloody show before coming to my appt. Talks to the Doctor they sent me to L&D.; Contractions are 7 min apart and strong I mean the go off the chart. They check my cervix says I am a 1cm 50% effaced and soft. She said I'll come back in an hour and re check you. ( I didn't know who this doctor was she was very young and 1st year of residency. I get up go to the bathroom and bright red blood with along with mucus plug comes out. I panic I call my husband and show him. He goes and gets the doctor , she comes in and says that's just normal. Unless you wet a pad. Okay so we keep waiting comes back checks my cervix again and says your the same. Go home and get some rest. I asked her why would you not keep me longer on the monitor like my other doctor does? She didn't reply. I told her we were trying to make it to 34 weeks , I had steroids shots for their lungs and both of my babies are breech. Of course my babies heads are not going to descend be cause they are traverse. So Contractions 5min apart , bleeding and hurting like hell sent home.

Now I am home , took an ambien ang a hot shower I am still having contractions and miserable. I swear I hate this Military Hospital I go to. They never have the same doctor. Is always someone different and not only that people with hardly no experience. Then she had the nerves to say your trying to rush to quick!!! I gave her the look oh lord no I am not trying to rush. Help me out here I need pain meds , stop these contractions, let me Rest. I am having twins. We made it this far. 🙄