What's the point?

Shannon • Mother of Zayah Jhené born 11/1/18. She is truly a blessing from God.
On Feb 18th I started bleeding and cramping. I called the nurse immediately and her advice was "if the cramping gets worse, or if you have to change your pad every 30 mins, go to the ER." Well that never happened. The pain got better and the bleeding stopped after 4 days. I was in constant contact with this nurse and she didn't seem too concerned. I had orientation on 
Mar 4th and tested positive via urine test. The nurse took about 6 vials of blood but never confirmed via blood test. I started bleeding and cramping again yesterday. At 7pm I went to the ER because of the pain. I was finally seen at 11:30pm. They did a urine and blood test. 2 hrs later the results came back negative. The ER Dr said I probably lost the baby the first time I started bleeding. I was heartbroken. I really wish my Ob/Gyn would have seen me the first time I started bleeding instead of making me wait until my 11th week. I have yet to hear back from my Ob/Gyn regarding all that blood they took. I have an appt with my Ob/Gyn on Mar 31st and the ER Dr told me to keep the appt but why? What's the point?