Been craving arroz con leche

Emily • Married, mother of 3 boys and lil girl

I know it's hot ... but I couldn't help it ... I made arroz con leche it's so good .. especially the next day serve cold


1 cup of rice

1 stick of cinnamon

3 cups of water

1 can of sweet condensed milk

1 tablespoon of vanilla extract

1/2 gallon of milk

In a pot bring to boil the 3 cups of water , rice and cinnamon stick

Once water has been completely absorbed and rice is very soft, reduce heat to medium-low and add the milk , vanilla extract and the can of sweet condensed milk..stir in well you may add sugar if you think in needs more sweetness.. once the rice has reach to perfection remove the pot from the heat .. you may add more milk if you like also.. enjoy!