Low normal AMH

Michelle • 34, DH 37. ttc #1 for 4+ years
Can anyone help me understand what this means? My RE's nurse called me and told me that my AMH was a little low and that they would have to be more aggressive with meds than someone with normal AMH. And that's all she said! I tried asking her more about it but she seemed kind of clueless.
A little history on me - I'm 33, ttc #1 for going on 2 years. I ovulate every month and have a fairly regular cycle 28-30 days. I had a mc a year ago (conceived naturally), and have had no luck since, even after 2 IUIs (from which I had 3-4 healthy follicles on 50mg of clomid) this is partially why I'm confused - if I had a hard time producing eggs wouldng I need a stronger dose of meds (according to my nurse)? 
Any insight you ladies have would be much appreciated! 😊