*UPDATE When your kid tries to kill himself while you're doing dishes...


My son is a notorious climber. He's just started to climb onto the couch since he's now tall enough to get on it. Well my LO climbed onto the couch while I was in the kitchen washing dishes, must've started jumping cuz he's a little energetic fart, fell off the couch onto our wood floor, and completely face-planted. I have never seen so much blood come out of such a tiny person in my entire life. His nose is bruise, his top lip is completely purple, and his top front gums are bleeding around his teeth. I did a concussion check with my nurse cousin-in-law coaching me on the phone. she said hospital probably wouldn't do anything but keep him for a few hours after giving him Tylenol and sending you home with directions to keep giving him Tylenol and motrin for the pain and swelling. My LO looks pitiful! He's at least still eating fine, thankfully. Have never been so scared for my LO in my entire life.

And I'm sure I'll get some negative comments on how I should be watching him better and all. I was checking on him every few minutes and I thought it would be better to let him play in the living room while I cleaned instead of forcing him to stay in the highchair like I usually do and he hates. I'm not asking for words of encouragement that I'm not a bad mother, because I already feel terrible enough. I guess I'm asking for prayers for a quick recovery and for this to never happen to either of us ever again!

**I appreciate all of the positive comments this post has received. Thank you all for being supportive and your kind words to a speedy recovery.

*Update: His lip is now fine, nose still has a little red mark on it. Teeth are a little loose but I was told they should tighten back up since he just got them about a month ago. His gums still look awful as well. He's been eating fine though, still blowing kisses and making car noises. Thank you all for your prayers and words of encouragement.