fuck you to all the CHEATERS out there, YES this goes for you if u have or are cheating on someone. and fuck you even more to the people that know they're with someone who has a significant other and are still with them "lucky" are the ones that got away with only a broken heart, and i say the word lucky very loosely and I'll tell u why in a minute. no, ur not lucky at all. nobody should have to go through the heartache and humiliation of being cheated on. what's worse is the aftermath, years later even if you've found someone great and have a family and children and are very happy the past still may haunt you and still may hurt. most of the time you can just get away with a broken heart, but other times families are broken apart, these are diseases passed around and even worse things like people commit suicide and kill their children and other family members as revenge. that's why today I woke up to make this my fuck you to all the CHEATERS day!!! May you go to HELL and may everything go wrong for you as long as you live. you don't deserve to live a happy day. and I hope that whoever u did cheat on goes on to be very happy and you have to see that.