Hair inside of clitoris?

So for about a year now every month I get a sharp pain in my clit. It lasts for about 2 weeks. At first I assumed it was yeast because every time I would go to the washroom I would see discharge on and around my clit. I even went to the doctor got treated for yeast and bv. That got rid of the discomfort but soon as the treatment was over that uncomfortable feeling came back again. There's nothing wrong with my vulva just my clitoris! Today I was taking a hot shower, pulled back my hood and saw a hair sticking out of it. I thought I was imagining things so I got out and examined my vagina to make sure I saw correctly. There was definitely a hair stuck inside my clit. Is this normal? How do I go about this situation? Any feedback is appreciated


I pulled it out and now feel immediate relief! Did some research on it and found out it is quite common but not with doctors! Maybe now I can go back to enjoying sex & wearing regular clothing