breastfeeding and dieting

I am currently breastfeeding and really want to lose weight. my fitness pal and all the other online calculates say my calorie intake needs to be 1200-1300 to lose weight. but I've read while breastfeeding your diet needs to consist of at least 1500 calories. I know I'm sounding so selfish but how is it possible to still lose weight eating an extra 300 calories than I'm suppose to? this is without exercise too by the way. anyone on here breastfeed and count calories? how many calories do you eat? how's your weight loss success? would love to hear about breastfeeding mummas journey's, lifestyles, diets, meal plans, everything! how hard was it to lose weight? I'm worries if I eat the 1500 or more each day I'm going to stay the same or even gain