The hook effect is real!!!

Emma 🇬🇧 Mum to Leo & Isla 💙💗

Behold the hook effect! I found some ICs from last cycle so decided to put this whole hook effect to the test, pardon the pun! 😂 I'm 8 weeks pregnant tomorrow!

I thought I'd share this as I've seen a lot of ladies disappointed by a fainter line than they've previously got before... I'm sure I'm not the only one still sneaky testing 😁

TMI ALERT! All tests were done with the same pee sample....The first test was with quite concentrated pee (undiluted)... the second slightly diluted (1/4 water) third diluted (1/2 water) and fourth very diluted (3/4 water)!

So there we have it, I always wondered if it was true and in my

case id say it definitely is 😊