The double standards of naming our baby


So I'm only 11 weeks 4days and today my husband and I were discussing baby names and before I knew it we were in a heated argument. He said that if we had a boy, he wanted the boy to be a junior and if the baby is a girl he feels we should both choose the name. I hate the ideas of juniors but I respect him enough to let him name our son as his junior. But when I made the statement that since he insist on naming the boy after him, if it's a girl I should get to name her. I thought the idea was fair but he begged to differ. He went on to say that he is the head of the house hold and if it's a boy, I have absolutely NO say so in the name and if it's a girl we both have to agree on the name. I told him that this was a double standard and he agreed but then said "that's how it's gonna be." Umm I think NOT... I told him that that was not gonna fly and if he does not agree with my suggestion then I am no longer open to naming our child as his junior. He then said I was disrespectful lol. And we've been going back and forth. Now I know the Bible says submit to your husband but umm you're definitely not gonna talk to me or handle me like I'm your child. And you do not have the last say so. This is a marriage, you are my husband not my father. Ladies I would definitely like your input on this issue... was I wrong or do you agree????