Feeling Sad

A lot of stuff is going on in my life and it's causing me to be an emotional wreck. A major part of this problem is that I bottle up my feelings and refuse to let people know that I'm bothered or hurt by something because I was bullied when I was little so I grew up thinking that no one cared what I thought or felt because I was always made to feel excluded and isolated. I'm also at a place in life where a lot has happened in a short amount of time. My parents separated and filed for divorce after 17 years together, my mom moved away, I lost a family member I was very close with, and my sister's anorexia got worse...all within 9 months. I'm 20 so I feel like I should have my life a little more together than it is now, but I don't, and it makes me sad. I'm not even done with my first year of college. I often pray for my future husband, but I'm secretly hoping I don't meet him anytime soon because I don't think he'd want to hang around this mess. It's just been an emotional day (it still is) and I needed to vent.