Just a few questions?

Hayley • Luke 7/15/17; Colt 6/14/19; #boymom 💙💙

Hi ladies! I just a had a few questions for anyone who has experience that don't constitute a call to the doc. I know it's different for everyone and I know what the doctors say to expect, but I was wondering what real women's experiences were. I'm a FTM and currently 2 weeks PP. I had a vaginal delivery and had an epidural and was on pitocin after labor started on its own and wasn't progressing. That being said, my questions are as follows...

1.) for those who didn't breastfeed at all, how long did it take for your breasts to stop producing milk? (I'm still leaking quite heavily out of one breast)

2.) how long did you bleed after delivery?

3.) when did your wedding rings start to fit again? (I had a little bit of swelling in my fingers only about a month before delivery that caused them to be too tight to wear, and then after delivery I had a lot of swelling in my feet and ankles from the IV and all the medication but it went away completely within 6 days. My rings still don't fit my fingers and I'm wondering if I should still wait and see or if I should go ahead and get them resized since all my other swelling is gone.)